About Us
Green Rabbit Press is husband & wife team Joshua and Nicole Kolbow who collaborate in the studio to produce their unique art-goodies for awesome folk. They specialize in traditional printmaking media, so no computer print-outs, but real, hand-pulled prints. They are heavily inspired by skulls, monsters, oddities, lowbrow art, and cats. But they love to create things for anyone willing to pay them, and discuss artmaking and prints to anyone who cares to listen.
Printmaking is the Bestmaking
What is Printmaking you ask? Printmaking involves century old techniques passed down to us from the ancients which allows us to produce multiples of our artwork. Who needs a computer printer when you can print stuff old school?
We carve crazy drawings into blocks, roll ink on that block, and smash the ink into paper using a printing press. We call this method, relief printmaking.
We also burn fancy photos and drawings into mesh screens, lay down a puddle of ink, and swipe that ink through the mesh using a squeegee. We call this method, screenprinting.
Regardless of how we print, we find getting out hands dirty and spreading some ink is the best way to make stuff.